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9 May 2019

Assalamualikum wa Rahmatulla are you all my group mates? I seems to be of all my friends are well by the grace of All- Powerful Allah.. alhamdulilah, creator keeping me well... when I get up 2:00 am for cooking , suddenly I feel in pain in my heart . because I have separated from my family for , I stay with my roommates.. actually, I never expect the way I have finished my cooked ...then I have talked with my father and mother...then just a few minutes I have read my academic book...then I have finished my seheri in a time... Really, life is running very sorrowful without and them, I'm very shocked for my loneliness... it's a matter of sorrow that , today I'm missing for my family and my relatives.... hello, friends no more now
Allah Hafez 
Take care of yourself and your parents..

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